NAJ Counseling, LLC
NAJ Counseling, LLC

Addiction Counseling

Addiction is a disease, and like any other chronic condition, people can and do recover; physically, mentally, and spiritually. Drug and alcohol abuse involves repeated and excessive use of chemical substances to achieve a specific effect.


Although different drugs have different effects on overall physical and mental health, the basic pattern is the same. Getting and using the drug becomes more important than anything else. The physical and emotional consequences of substance abuse make it difficult to function, often dangerously impairing judgment. It is extremely difficult for a person to stop using drugs and alcohol by themselves and stay stopped. 


So what is the next step?


You've tried to stay clean and sober on your own with minimal success. Ongoing support through counseling and taking better care of your health may be the answer.

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Call: 303.337.8558

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NAJ Counseling, LLC

Natalie Jeffers Wilkins


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